Had an Interesting Night at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo last weekend, the Galle Face being a Traditional Old Hotel of Character hotel where ancient crones hang out(so I felt at home). My room was huge, so was the bed (viz photo of Manurie posing in sari for effect)...whilst the bathroom fittings definitely fell under the description of both Traditional and Old, the view to the sea across the Galle Face Green was splendid and so was Breakfast on the Terrace the next morning. There I observed at close quarters two venerable gentlemen disposing of their Sri Lankan breakfast – rice and curry, they really can eat it three times a day with little variety - in the traditional way, using their right hand to squeeze it into little balls to pop in the mouth. I was intrigued to see, when it came to demolishing a piece of chocolate cake for afters, that they carefully turned the cake into crumbs before mashing it into little balls....extreme eating.
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